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2023-12-26 08:17


2023-06-29 11:30

2022年1月,中国钢铁工业协会向国家发改委、工信部、自然资源部、生态环境部四部委上报了“基石计划”,即通过国内新增铁矿开发、境外新增权益铁矿、废钢资源的开发,实现对铁矿石供给和价格的话语权。 此后,中国钢铁工业协会进一步公开“基石计划”初步拟定的内容。“基石计划”旨在于用10年至15年时间,切实改变我国铁资源来源构成,从根本上补足钢铁产业链资源短板。“基石计划”提出,到2025年,国内矿产量、废钢消耗量和海外权益矿分别达到3.7亿吨、3亿吨和2.2亿吨,分别比2020年增加1亿吨、0.7亿吨和1亿吨。 国内有哪些属于基石计划项目,目前根据公开资料整理了如下九个项目......

2023-01-03 14:03

1月3日据悉,澳洲小型矿业公司Arrow Minerals已收购Amalgamated Minerals 33.3%的初始权益,该公司拥有西非几内亚西芒杜北铁矿石项目(Simandou North Iron Project) 100%的股份。根据协议条款,Arrow通过发行5亿股全额支付的Arrow普通股从Ropa Investments(Gibraltar)购买 Amalgamated 33.3%的股份,这第一阶段协议的完成是Arrow进入新兴绿色钢铁市场的重要一步。

2022-11-24 15:02

11.24日,据外媒报道FMG的CEO安德鲁·福雷斯特提出“价值大于产量”的目标,着重发展Twiggy绿色能源及使用绿色氢和可再生能源,还将对其 Pilbara 矿山进行脱碳;FMG近期向西澳环境部门申请赤铁矿发运量提高到 2.1亿吨并积极推进西非加蓬Belinga 矿区获取勘探高品位铁矿石的采矿许可证,预计 2023 年初开始钻探。

2022-11-16 09:31





  • Mysteel解读:西非-新兴铁矿资源宝藏大陆

    四、中国铁矿进口格局有望改变 西非作为中国布局海外权益矿的重要区域,将成为未来中国铁矿进口的重要来源地据统计2019-2022年之间,西非到中国的铁矿出口量保持逐年递增的趋势,于2022年达到约为1403万吨,同比增加约28%随着西非当地各个新增及扩产项目的继续推进,相信向国内的铁矿出口量将保持良好的向上趋势 另外,过去四年,我们发现西非最主要的三个铁矿石生产国家(毛里塔尼亚,塞拉利昂和利比里亚)出口到中国的比例稳步维持在50%左右(图四)。

  • Mysteel澳洲巴西铁矿石运量2016年度回顾

    图十六、淡水河谷月度货运量(单位:万吨) 数据来源:Mysteel铁矿石运量统计 4.3 巴西其他矿山运量 巴西方面,小规模矿山居多且矿石品种多样是巴西非主流矿山的特点。

  • 河北黄骅港口岸首次接卸毛里塔尼亚铁矿石

    近日,装载着116434吨毛里塔尼亚铁矿粉的“CAPEISLAND”号外轮,从西非国家毛里塔尼亚努瓦迪布港抵达黄骅港二十万吨码头这是黄骅港首次接卸毛里塔尼亚铁矿,标志着西非第二大铁矿石生产国成为黄骅港铁矿石来源国家,黄骅港进口铁矿石来源更加多元化 毛里塔尼亚位于非洲撒哈拉沙漠西部,与西撒哈拉、阿尔及利亚、马里和塞内加尔接壤,西濒大西洋。

  • 河北黄骅港口岸首次接卸毛里塔尼亚铁矿石

     河北共产党员网讯(记者 郑美芳 通讯员 冯鹏)近日,装载着116434吨毛里塔尼亚铁矿粉的“CAPE ISLAND”号外轮,从西非国家毛里塔尼亚努瓦迪布港抵达黄骅港二十万吨码头这是黄骅港首次接卸毛里塔尼亚铁矿,标志着西非第二大铁矿石生产国成为黄骅港铁矿石来源国家,黄骅港进口铁矿石来源更加多元化   毛里塔尼亚位于非洲撒哈拉沙漠西部,与西撒哈拉、阿尔及利亚、马里和塞内加尔接壤,西濒大西洋。

  • 8月份海运市场仍将底部盘整

    本月超灵便型船仍较为安 静印度地区雨季时期,船运活动清淡南美至亚太地区谷物货盘成交尚可消耗部分运力,使得价格有所支撑,但西非地区因病毒问题价格下跌幅度较大截止至月 底,太平洋地区平均日租金7956美元/天,环比涨556美元/天;西非至亚太地区平均日租金9192美元/天,环比跌1808美元/天 图四:2014年至今BSI走势图 来源:我的钢铁网 三、四大矿山铁矿石发货量情况 7月份澳洲巴西整体发货情况较为平稳,巴西港口检修与黑德兰港的罢工事件使得出口受到影响,但幅度较小。

  • 8月份海运市场仍将底部盘整

    本月超灵便型船仍较为安静印度地区雨季时期,船运活动清淡南美至亚太地区谷物货盘成交尚可消耗部分运力,使得价格有所支撑,但西非地区因病毒问题价格下跌幅度较大截止至月底,太平洋地区平均日租金7956美元/天,环比涨556美元/天;西非至亚太地区平均日租金9192美元/天,环比跌1808美元/天 图四:2014年至今BSI走势图 来源:我的钢铁网 三、四大矿山铁矿石发货量情况 7月份澳洲巴西整体发货情况较为平稳,巴西港口检修与黑德兰港的罢工事件使得出口受到影响,但幅度较小。

  • 铁矿石产量迫近峰值 进口依赖继续增强

    短期中国进口来源国有增长潜力的是澳大利亚、巴西、西非、南非、乌克兰、加拿大等国家东南亚国家的铁矿石规模小、分布分散,质量品质不稳定 一方面是进口增加,一方面却是自产量在下降据了解,近十年来中国自产铁矿石原矿产量的爆发式增长主要来自河北省,但2012年下降幅度最大2012年河北同比减少7100多万吨,降低12%内蒙、福建减产1000多万吨。

  • 中小矿山扩大产能 矿石供应多元化

    去国外开矿不要仅仅只看着巴西、澳洲等地的资源,也需关注西非、北非一些有更大发展潜力的区域 刘贻南进一步表示,我国铁矿石进口目标正从一线国家向二线国家转移,铁矿石供应局面呈多元化走向据了解,2010年,我国进口铁矿石来源中,澳矿比例虽高仍占42.82%,但增速放缓;巴西矿、印矿比例有所下降;非矿及其他矿比例合计为20.53%,上涨势头强劲。

  • 外媒:安赛乐米塔尔投资40亿美元于矿山项目

    安赛乐米塔尔将扩展其在西非铁矿石项目,包括发展煤炭资源自今年由于中国铁矿的需求量剧增而致使铁矿石价格的上涨,安赛乐米塔尔将选择自给自足的方法避免价格风险 ArcelorMittal to Spend $4 Billion on Iron Ore Mines Sept. 16 (Bloomberg) -- ArcelorMittal, the world’s largest steelmaker, plans to spend $4 billion to increase iron-ore production to 100 million metric tons by 2015 as the company seeks to boost its self-sufficiency in raw materials. ArcelorMittal will expand projects and build mines in West Africa, the Luxembourg-based company said today in an e-mailed statement. It also plans to develop coal assets through joint ventures and is “reviewing opportunities in new frontiers.” The steelmaker is seeking to boost its self-sufficiency in raw materials after prices for iron ore and coking coal surged this year on demand from China, the world’s largest producer of the metal. BHP Billiton Ltd., Vale SA and Rio Tinto Group, the three biggest exporters, have also been switching to quarterly supply contracts instead of fixed-price, annual accords. Prices for iron ore, a key steelmaking ingredient, almost doubled in the April quarter and gained more than 20 percent in the June-to-September period. ArcelorMittal, which is now able to produce about 60 million tons of ore, has added mining assets in Brazil, Russia and Liberia since Mittal Steel Co. bought Arcelor SA in 2006 in the steel industry’s biggest takeover. ArcelorMittal said in an investor presentation on its website that it expects ore prices to fall back as supply rises. A drop in price swings would also “smooth” margins, it said. Steelmakers faced volatile prices this year as they bought iron ore and coal for immediate delivery or in quarterly supply accords after the end of the 40-year-old annual pricing system. Cost Cuts ArcelorMittal plans a further $2 billion in cost cuts through so-called “management gains” by 2012, it said. The company said in July it had achieved $3 billion in savings by lowering expenses following the global economic crisis. The company reined in expansion plans in India and is now targeting the development of “smaller modular sites” capable of producing between 1.5 million and 3 million tons of steel a year, it said. ArcelorMittal’s original plans to build two $10 billion steel plants in Orissa state and neighboring Jharkhand have been thwarted because of delays in buying up land. The steelmaker, which plans its first output in the country by 2013, forecast Indian steel demand will triple by 2020. (来源:Bloomberg) 。

  • 外媒:安赛乐米塔尔投资40亿美元于矿山项目

    安赛乐米塔尔将扩展其在西非铁矿石项目,包括发展煤炭资源自今年由于中国铁矿的需求量剧增而致使铁矿石价格的上涨,安赛乐米塔尔将选择自给自足的方法避免价格风险 ArcelorMittal to Spend $4 Billion on Iron Ore Mines Sept. 16 (Bloomberg) -- ArcelorMittal, the world’s largest steelmaker, plans to spend $4 billion to increase iron-ore production to 100 million metric tons by 2015 as the company seeks to boost its self-sufficiency in raw materials. ArcelorMittal will expand projects and build mines in West Africa, the Luxembourg-based company said today in an e-mailed statement. It also plans to develop coal assets through joint ventures and is “reviewing opportunities in new frontiers.” The steelmaker is seeking to boost its self-sufficiency in raw materials after prices for iron ore and coking coal surged this year on demand from China, the world’s largest producer of the metal. BHP Billiton Ltd., Vale SA and Rio Tinto Group, the three biggest exporters, have also been switching to quarterly supply contracts instead of fixed-price, annual accords. Prices for iron ore, a key steelmaking ingredient, almost doubled in the April quarter and gained more than 20 percent in the June-to-September period. ArcelorMittal, which is now able to produce about 60 million tons of ore, has added mining assets in Brazil, Russia and Liberia since Mittal Steel Co. bought Arcelor SA in 2006 in the steel industry’s biggest takeover. ArcelorMittal said in an investor presentation on its website that it expects ore prices to fall back as supply rises. A drop in price swings would also “smooth” margins, it said. Steelmakers faced volatile prices this year as they bought iron ore and coal for immediate delivery or in quarterly supply accords after the end of the 40-year-old annual pricing system. Cost Cuts ArcelorMittal plans a further $2 billion in cost cuts through so-called “management gains” by 2012, it said. The company said in July it had achieved $3 billion in savings by lowering expenses following the global economic crisis. The company reined in expansion plans in India and is now targeting the development of “smaller modular sites” capable of producing between 1.5 million and 3 million tons of steel a year, it said. ArcelorMittal’s original plans to build two $10 billion steel plants in Orissa state and neighboring Jharkhand have been thwarted because of delays in buying up land. The steelmaker, which plans its first output in the country by 2013, forecast Indian steel demand will triple by 2020. (来源:Bloomberg) 。

  • 外媒:印度Tata Steel停止在非洲的采矿工作

    Tata steel 同Sodemi仍在西非地区寻找更多的铁矿石资源 Tata Steel stops work at African ore deposit Tata Steel has suspended work on Mount Nimba, West Africa’s largest iron ore deposit. Rich in unique endemic species of fauna, Mount Nimba is classified as a ‘Strict Nature Reserve’. “We have suspended all work pending an environmental report from United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation,” said a Tata Steel official. There is, however, no timeline for the report. In late 2007, Tata Steel inked a joint venture agreement with Sodemi, the state mining company of Ivory Coast, for development of the Mount Nimba iron ore deposit. Tata Steel has a 75 per cent stake in the project.A technical team from the Ivory Coast had been set up for exploration and feasibility assessments, said sources. The Mount Nimba range is understood to have reserves of around six billion tonnes, with an iron ore content of 68 per cent, a few percentage points higher than India’s best ore. The deposit, spread over three countries — Liberia, Guinea and Ivory Coast, was the first foreign iron ore deposit for Tata Steel. According to the arrangement, the iron ore from Mount Nimba was to be supplied to its UK and Netherlands facilities under Corus, which accounts for 65 per cent of the Tata Steel group’s production, but has no captive mines. Tata Steel’s Indian operations have 100 per cent iron ore and 50 per cent coking coal security. Tata Steel and Sodemi were eyeing other iron ore deposits in West Africa, said industry sources. Also, Tata Steel is looking to increase its participation in its Canadian partner’s, New Millennium Capital Corporation’s (NMCC’s), iron ore projects. Tata Steel holds 27.4 per cent in NMCC and 80 per cent in the company’s Direct Shipping Ore project. As part of its initiative to secure coal security, Tata Steel increased its stake in Australia’s Riversdale Mining to 21.8 per cent. Some production from Mozambique is also expected to flow in the next year. The scramble for raw material security is imperative in a volatile market. When the prices of finished products tumble, raw materials prices don’t come down to the same extent. Raw materials for steel companies have seen major changes over the past few years, the most dramatic being, changing the 40-year annual benchmarking contract for a quarterly mechanism. What made such a strategy shift possible was an oligopolistic scenario, where the industry is dominated by just a handful of companies. (来源:Business Standard) 。

  • 跨国公司加紧角逐西非铁矿石控制权

    由于这些西非国家的基础设施极度落后,严重阻碍着其经济的发展,这也就成为当地政府亟待解决的焦点问题为此,跨国公司便以兴建港口、公路和铁路等基础设施作为进入铁矿石开采和生产领域的突破口这其中最引人注目的是,淡水河谷公司已明确表示,将在2020年之前,向几内亚和利比里亚投资50-80亿美元,全面开展矿山、港口和铁路建设(来源:商务部网站) 。

  • 跨国公司加紧角逐西非铁矿石控制权

    由于这些西非国家的基础设施极度落后,严重阻碍着其经济的发展,这也就成为当地政府亟待解决的焦点问题为此,跨国公司便以兴建港口、公路和铁路等基础设施作为进入铁矿石开采和生产领域的突破口这其中最引人注目的是,淡水河谷公司已明确表示,将在2020年之前,向几内亚和利比里亚投资50-80亿美元,全面开展矿山、港口和铁路建设(来源:商务部网站) 。

  • 中铝联手力拓开发几内亚铁矿 年产7千万吨销往中国

    来源:新华网) 年产7千万吨销往中国 中国铝业公司19日发布公告,宣布与力拓集团签署非约束性合作谅解备忘录,双方将联合开发力拓持有的位于西非几内亚的世界级铁矿西芒杜项目 公告说,中铝公司与力拓预计西芒杜项目首期达产后铁矿石产能将不低于7000万吨/年,双方将成立一家合资销售公司,将项目的铁矿石产品定向销往中国市场。

  • 中铝联手力拓开发几内亚铁矿 年产7千万吨销往中国

    来源:新华网) 年产7千万吨销往中国 中国铝业公司19日发布公告,宣布与力拓集团签署非约束性合作谅解备忘录,双方将联合开发力拓持有的位于西非几内亚的世界级铁矿西芒杜项目 公告说,中铝公司与力拓预计西芒杜项目首期达产后铁矿石产能将不低于7000万吨/年,双方将成立一家合资销售公司,将项目的铁矿石产品定向销往中国市场。

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